I recently received my PhD in Applied Economics from Oregon State University and am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Dept. of Human-Environment Systems at Boise State University where I am leading a team of multidisciplinary researchers on a project exploring the drivers and consequences of farmland conversion as well as the role of land-use policies in these processes. My dissertation work is at the intersection of forest management, climate change adaptation, and ecosystem service provision. My research interests include natural resource economics (forest management, land-use change, and recreation), environmental economics (conservation, ecosystem services, and the interactions between land use decisions and environmental outcomes), and the implications of climate change adaptation in those areas.
My research skills include discrete choice modeling, GIS analysis, and constructing and managing large spatial datasets of economic, environmental, and climate data. I have experience using R, Stata, MATLAB, and ArcGIS for data cleaning and analysis.
Outside of research, I enjoy spending time outside in my garden or hiking, skiing, rafting, or climbing depending on the season.